- Obrazovna i naučna delatnost
- Organizaciona i upravljačka struktura
- Zakon o visokom obrazovanju i propisi Fakulteta
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- Zbirka velikana srpske hemije
- Repozitorijum Hemijskog fakulteta - Cherry
- Biblioteka
- Izdavačka delatnost HF
- Javne nabavke
- Kontakt informacije (uprava) i kako doći do nas
- Naučnoistraživački rad
![[dr Snezana D. Zaric]](/osoblje/23.jpg)
Hemijski fakultet, Studentski trg 12-16, Beograd
Katedra za opštu i neorgansku hemiju
Telefon: 011-3336605
Telefon (lokalni): 605
Laboratorija: 576
E-mail: szaric@chem.bg.ac.rs
Lični podaci
Datum i mesto rođenja: 2. 1. 1962, Jasenovo. Udata. Jezici koje koristi: srpski (maternji), engleski i ruski.
Obrazovanje i usavršavanja
1980-1984: Osnovne studije - Hemijske nauke / Prirodno-matematički fakultet (Beograd)
1984-1990: Magistratura - Hemijske nauke / Prirodno-matematički fakultet (Beograd)
1990-1995: Doktorat - Hemijske nauke / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
Kretanje u službi
1986: Asistent pripravnik / Prirodno-matematički fakultet (Beograd)
1986-1994: Asistent pripravnik / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
1991-1996: Asistent / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
1997-2002: Docent / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2003-2010: Vanredni profesor / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2010: Redovni profesor / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
Oblasti naučnog interesovanja
Računarska hemija, koordinaciona hemija, nekovalentne interakcije.
Ostale aktivnosti
Član Srpskog hemijskog društva.
Član Američkog hemijskog društva.
Član Srpskog kristalografskog društva.
Član Komisije za izradu strategije naučnog razvoja Hemijskog fakulteta od 10. 12. 2020.
Angažman u nastavi
- Neorganska hemija 2 (103H2)
- Računarska hemija (112H2)
- Modelovanje sistema sa prelaznim metalima (135H2)
- Odabrane oblasti neorganske hemije (149A2)
- Spektroskopske metode u neorganskoj hemiji (172H2)
- Supramolekulske strukture kompleksa prelaznih metala (179H2)
- Organometalna hemija (771H2)
Učešće u naučnoistraživačkim projektima
Aktivni projekti:
- 2020-2022: Računarsko dizajniranje visokoenergetskih materijala: slučaj helatnih kompleksa (CD-HEM) – 6066886
vrsta projekta: PROMIS
projekat finansira: Fond za nauku Republike Srbije (Beograd)
Završeni projekti:
- 2011: Nekovalentne interakcije ri-sistema i njihova uloga u molekulskom prepoznavanju – 172065 (rukovodilac projekta)
vrsta projekta: domaći fundamentalni
projekat finansira: Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije (Beograd) - 2011-2015: Nekovalentne interakcije ri-sistema i njihova uloga u molekulskom prepoznavanju – 172065-IC (rukovodilac projekta)
vrsta projekta: domaći inovacioni
Brojevi za identifikaciju autora
- ORCID: 0000-0002-6067-2349
- ResearcherID: R-5378-2016
- Scopus: 7003298553
- Repozitorijum Hemijskog fakulteta Cherry
Izabrane reference
- Dušan Ž. Veljković, Goran V. Janjić and Snežana D. Zarić: "Are the C–H···O interactions linear? Case of the aromatic CH donors" Cryst EngComm, 13, 5005-5010 (2011)
- Dragan B. Ninković, Goran V. Janjić, Dušan Ž. Veljković, Dušan N. Sredojević and Snežana D. Zarić: "What Are the Preferred Horizontal Displacements in Parallel Aromatic-Aromatic Interactions? Significant interactions at large horizontal displacement", ChemPhysChem, 12, 3511 – 3514 (2011)
- Dragan B. Ninković, Goran V. Janjić and Snežana D. Zarić: "Crystallographic and ab Initio Study of Pyridine Stacking Interactions. Local Nature of Hydrogen Bond Effect in Stacking Interactions." Crystal Growth & Design, 12, 1060–1063 (2012)
- Jelena M. Andrić, Goran V. Janjić, Dragan B. Ninković and Snežana D. Zarić: "The Influence of Water Molecule Coordination to a Metal Ion onto Hydrogen Bonds" PhysChemChemPhys, 14, 10896-10898 (2012) DOI: 10.1039/c2cp41125c
- Vesna B. Medaković, Goran A. Bogdanović, Miloš K. Milčić, Goran V. Janjić, Snežana D. Zarić: "CH/π interactions in metal-porphyrin complexes with pyrrole and chelate rings as hydrogen acceptors" Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 117, 157–163 (2012)
- Dragan B. Ninković, Jelena M. Andrić and Snežana D. Zarić: "Significant parallel interactions at large horizontal displacement in pyridine-pyridine and benzene-pyridine dimers" ChemPhysChem, 14, 237–243 (2013)
- Dragan B. Ninković, Jelena M. Andrić, Saša N. Malkov and Snežana D. Zarić: "What are Preferred Horizontal Displacements of Aromatic/Aromatic Interactions in Proteins? Comparison with Calculated Benzene/Benzene Potential Energy Surface" PhysChemChemPhys, 16, 11173-11177 (2014)
- Amanda L. Pitts, Alisdair Wriglesworth, Xue-Zhong Sun, James A. Calladine, Snežana D. Zarić, Michael W. George, and Michael B. Hall: "Carbon-Hydrogen Activation of Cycloalkanes by Cyclopentadienylcarbonylrhodium - A Lifetime Enigma" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 8614-8625 (2014)
- Goran V. Janjić, Saša N. Malkov, Miodrag V. Živković and Snežana D. Zarić: "What are Preferred Water–Aromatic Interactions in Proteins and Crystal Structures of Small Molecules?" PhysChemChemPhys, 16, 23549-23553 (2014)
- Jelena P. Blagojević and Snežana D. Zarić: "Stacking interactions of hydrogen-bridged rings – stronger than the stacking of benzene molecules" Chem. Commun., 51, 12989-12991 (2015)
- Ivana S. Antonijević, Goran V. Janjić., Miloš K. Milčić., Snežana D. Zarić: "Preferred Geometries and Energies of Sulfur Sulfur Interactions in Crystal Structures" Cryst Growth Des. 16, 632–639 (2016)
- Dragan B. Ninković, Dubravka Z. Vojislavljević-Vasilev, Vesna B. Medaković, Michael B. Hall, Edward N. Brothers, Snežana D. Zarić: "Aliphatic-aromatic stacking interactions in cyclohexane-benzene are stronger than aromatic-aromatic interaction in the benzene dimer", PhysChemChemPhys 18, 25791-25795 (2016)
- Dušan P. Malenov, Goran V. Janjić, Vesna B. Medaković, Micheal. B. Hall, Snežana D. Zarić: "Noncovalent Bonding: Stacking Interactions of Chelate Rings of Transition Metal Complexes", Cood. Chem. Rev. 345, 318-341 (2017)
- Dragan B. Ninković, Salvador Moncho, Predrag V. Petrović, Snežana D. Zarić, Michael B. Hall, Edward N. Brothers: "Methane Activations by Titanium Neopentylidene Complexes: Electronic Resilience and Steric Control" Inorg. Chem., 56, 9264–9272 (2017)
- Dragan B. Ninković, Dušan P. Malenov, Predrag V. Petrović, Edward N. Brothers, Shuqiang Niu, Michael B. Hall, Milivoj R. Belić, Snežana D. Zarić: "Unexpected Importance of Aromatic–Aliphatic and Aliphatic Side Chain–Backbone Interactions in the Stability of Amyloids" Chemistry Eur. J., 23, 11046-11053 (2017)
- Goran Janjic, Milica Milosavljević, Dušan Ž. Veljković, Snežana D. Zarić: "The Prediction of Strong O-H/M Hydrogen Bonding between Water and Square-planar Ir and Rh Complexes", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 8657-8660 (2017)
(This article is part of the themed collection: 2017 PCCP HOT Articles) - Dušan P. Malenov and Snežana D. Zarić: "Chelated metal ions modulate the strength and geometry of stacking interactions: energies and potential energy surfaces for chelate-chelate stacking." Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 14053-14060 (2018)
- Jia Guan, Alisdair Wriglesworth, Xue Zhong Sun, Edward N. Brothers, Snežana D. Zarić, Meagan E. Evans, William D. Jones, Michael Towrie, Michael B. Hall, Michael W. George: "Probing the Carbon–Hydrogen Activation of Alkanes Following Photolysis of Tp′Rh(CNR)(carbodiimide): A Computational and Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopic Study" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140, 1842–1854 (2018)
- Qian Peng, Zengwei Wang, Snežana D. Zarić, Edward N. Brothers and Michael B. Hall: "Unraveling the Role of a Flexible Tetradentate Ligand in the Aerobic Oxidative Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation with Palladium Complexes: A Computational Mechanistic Study", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140, 11, 3929-3939 (2018)
- Dušan P. Malenov, Dušan Z. Veljković, Michael B. Hall, Edward N. Brothers and Snežana D. Zarić: "Influence of chelate ring type on chelate-chelate and chelate-aryl stacking: The case of nickel bis(dithiolene)" Phys, Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 1198-1206 (2019)
- Carlos A. Triana, René Moré, Aaron J. Bloomfield, Predrag V. Petrović, Sara Goberna Ferrón, George Stanley, Snežana D. Zarić, Thomas Fox, Edward N. Brothers, Stafford W. Sheehan, Paul T. Anastas, Greta R. Patzke: "Soft Templating and Disorder in an Applied 1D Cobalt Coordination Polymer Electrocatalyst", Matter, (2019) 1, 1354-1369
- Dušan P. Malenov, Snežana D. Zarić: "Strong stacking interactions of metal-chelate rings are caused by substantial electrostatic component" Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 6328-6332 (2019)
(This article is part of the themed collection: 2019 Dalton Transactions HOT Articles) - Dušan P Malenov, Snežana D. Zarić: "Stacking interactions between ruthenium p-cymene complexes: combined crystallographic and density functional study" CrystEngComm (2019), 21 (47), 7204-7210
(This article is part of the themed collection: 2019 CrystEngComm HOT Articles)
(This article is featured on the front cover of the issue of CrystEngComm) - Milan R. Milovanović, Jelena M. Živković, Dragan B. Ninković, Ivana M. Stanković, Snežana D. Zarić: "How flexible is the water molecule structure? Analysis of crystal structures and the potential energy surface" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2020) 22, 4138-4143
- Ivana M. Stanković, Shuqiang Niu, Michael B. Hall, Snežana D. Zarić: "Role of Aromatic amino acids in amyloid self-assembly" International Journal of Biological Macromol. (2020) 156, 949-959
- Dragan B. Ninković, Jelena P. Blagojević Filipović, Michael B. Hall, Edward N. Brothers, Snežana D. Zarić: "What is Special about Aromatic–Aromatic Interactions? Significant Attraction at Large Horizontal Displacement" ACS Central Science (2020), 6, 420-425
- Dušan P. Malenov, Snežana D. Zarić: "Stacking interactions of aromatic ligands in transition metal complexes", Coordination Chemistry Reviews, (2020), 419, 213338
- Jelena M. Živković, Ivana M. Stanković, Dragan B. Ninković, Snežana D. Zarić: "Decisive Influence of Environment on Aromatic/Aromatic Interaction Geometries. Comparison of Aromatic/Aromatic Interactions in Crystal Structures of Small Molecules and in Protein Structures" Cryst. Growth Des. (2021) 21, 1898-1904
- Dušan P. Malenov, Snežana D. Zarić: "New type of aromatic π-systems for anion recognition. Strong anion-π and C-H···anion interactions between halides and aromatic ligands in half-sandwich compounds" Chemistry Eur. J., accepted