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![[dr Predrag S. Polic]](/osoblje/ppolic-web.jpg)
Vanredni profesor
Hemijski fakultet, Studentski trg 12-16, Beograd
Katedra za primenjenu hemiju
Lični podaci
Rođen je 9. 9. 1958. godine u Beogradu, od oca Slavka, diplomate, i majke Slobodanke, rođene Đeković, domaćice. Tragično je preminuo u martu 2003. u Beogradu. Prva dva razreda gimnazije završio je u Beogradu, a ostala dva u Minhenu (Nemačka) i u Feldkirhu (Austrija), gde je i maturirao kao najbolji đak generacije. Govorio je i pisao nemački i engleski. Supruga, dr Bojana (rođena Rodić) je dipl. biohemičar, specijalista imunohemije. Imaju kćer Aleksandru.
Obrazovanje i usavršavanja
- 1983: Osnovne studije - Hemijske nauke / Odsek za hemijske i fizičko-hemijske nauke Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta (Beograd)
- 1988: Magistratura - Hemijske nauke / Odsek za hemijske i fizičko-hemijske nauke Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta (Beograd)
- 1991: Doktorat hemijskih nauka / Hemijski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Kretanje u službi:
- 1984: Asistent-pripravnik / Odsek za hemijske i fizičko-hemijske nauke Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta (Beograd)
- 1990: Asistent / Hemijski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
- 1992: Docent / Hemijski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
- 1997: Vanredni profesor / Hemijski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Godine 2002. kandidovan je za izbor u zvanje redovnog profesora, ali predlog nije bio prihvaćen od strane Izbornog veća Fakulteta.
Oblasti naučnog interesovanja:
- Hemija životne sredine (hemodinamika zagađivača u vodama i sedimentima)
- Organska geohemija (procesi tokom rane dijageneze, karakteristike organske supstance geosfere)
Angažovanje u nastavi:
Nastava na matičnom fakultetu:
- Vežbe iz Hemje i tehnologije vode i Industrijske hemije.
- Vežbe iz Hemije životne sredine za studente hemije.
- Vežbe iz Industrijske hemije sa hemijom životne sredine za studente smerova Fizika i hemija i Biologija i Hemija (1984-1992).
- Predavanja iz Industrijske hemije sa hemijom životne sredine za studente smerova Fizika i hemija i Biologija i Hemija (od 1992).
- Predavanja iz Hemije vode za studente usmerenja Istraživanje i razvoj.
- Predavanja iz Hemije životne sredine za studente Nastavnog smera.
- Učestvovao u koncipiranju predmeta na poslediplomskim studijama (Hidrohemija, Geohemija sedimentacionih sredina).
- Mentor ili komentor kod nekoliko dokstorskih disertacija i većeg broja magistarskih teza i specijalističkih radova.
Nastava na drugim fakultetima odnosno ustanovama:
- Istraživačka stanica Petnica: nekoliko predavanja iz oblasti Hemije životne sredine.
Ostale aktivnosti:
Studijski boravci:
- Okeanografski institut na Univerzitetu Južna Florida (X 1996 - I 1997).
Članstvo u naučnim i stručnim društvima:
- Srpsko hemijsko društvo
- Balkanska asocijacija za životnu sredinu (BENA)
Predavanja po pozivu:
Profesor Polić je održao veliki broj predavanja po pozivu, na međunarodnim naučnim manifestacijama, sa tematikom životne sredine u Srbiji i posledica NATO-bombardovanja: Milano (Italija), Komo (Italija), Katerini (Grčka), Budva (Crna Gora), Solun (Grčka), Ferara (Italija), Udine (Italija), Majami (Florida, SAD), Atina (Grčka), Konstanca (Rumunija), Gradski zavod za zdravstvenu zaštitu (Beograd), Tomsk (Rusija), Halkidiki (Grčka).
Dužnosti na Fakultetu i Univerzitetu:
Predrag Polić je imao niz dužnosti: Član raznih komisija na Fakultetu; sekretar Katedre za Primenjenu hemiju; član Saveta Hemijskog fakulteta (1996-1998); šef Katedre za Primenjenu hemiju (1997-2001); delegat Hemijskog fakulteta u Udruženju univerzitetskih nastavnika i naučnih radnika Srbije (1997); dekan Hemijskog fakulteta (od 22. 2. 2001 do marta 2003); član međunarodnog tima za evaluaciju univerzkiteta u Srbiji (2001); predsednik jednog od programskih saveta Centra za multidisciplinarne studije (od 2002).
Delatnosti u drugim ustanovama:
Sekretar Sekcije za hemiju i životnu sredinu Srpskog hemijskog društva. Član Organizacionog odnosno Naučnog odbora kod nekoliko simpozijuma "Hemija i zaštita životne sredine" Srpskog hemijskog društva, kao i u nekoliko međunarodnih simpozijuma sa tematikom životne sredine. Član predsedništva Srspkog hemijskog društva. Bio je saradnik Centra za hemiju Instituta za hemiju, tehnologiju i metalurgiju. Ekspert za Hemiju životne sredine kod Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC, Budimpešta) od 1995. godine. Ekspert Saveznog ministarstva za nauku (1998); član Odbora SANU "Čovek i životna sredina" i Geohemijskog odbora (od 1999). Predstavnik Jugoslavije u Balkanskoj asocijaciji za životnu sredinu (BENA) od 2001. Predstavnik Jugoslavije u projektu Evropske unije EUROTRAC-BIATEX (Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions). Predsednik organizacionog odbora 5. Međunarodne konferencije BENA u Beogradu (2002). Više puta je bio recenzent kod časopisa Water, Air and Soil Pollution. Recenzirao je i nekoliko udžbenika priručnika. Dao je veliki broj intervjua domaćim i stranim novinama i učestvovao u više radio- i TV-emisija, uglavnom sa tematikom iz ekoloških nauka.
Učešće na projektima:
- Izolovanje, karakterizacija i hemijske transformacije prirodnih proizvoda. Podprojekat: Proučavanje porekla, strukture i osobina organskih supstanci Zemljine kore (RZN, 1991-1995; nosilac projekta: Hemijski fakultet i IHTM; istraživač).
- Ispitivanje prirodnih proizvoda iz domaćih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta i Zemljine kore. Podprojekat: Geohemijski segment ciklusa ugljenika - organske supstancce sedimenata, goriva i zagađivači (Ministarstvo nauke i tehnologije, 1996-2000; nosilac projekta: Hemijski fakultet i IHTM; rukovodilac teme).
- Hemodinamika zagađujućih supstanci akvatičnih sistema i vodnih resursa (površinske i podzemne vode, sedimenti) u funkciji zaštite (Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj, 2001-2006; nosilac projekta: Hemijski fakultet i IHTM; rukovodilac).
- Monitoring i zaštita vazduha (Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj, 2001-2006; nosilac projekta: Institut za fiziku; rukovodilac teme).
- Proučavanje strukture, sastava i transformacija prirodnih proizvoda Zemljine kore (kerogen, bitumen, nafta i gas), (Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj, 2001-2006; nosilac projekta: Hemijski fakultet i IHTM; rukovodilac teme).
Izabrane reference
Knjige i revijalni radovi:
- Jovančićević, B.S., Polić, P.S., Vitorović, D.K.: Organic geochemical investigation of crude oils. The southeastern part of the Pannonian Basin in Yugoslavia. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (1998) 63 (6), 397-418.
- Jovančićević, B., Polić, P., Nedeljković, J., Vitorović, D.: GC-MS in the organic matter investigation of Yugoslav sediments. Hemijska industrija (1998) 52 (12), 504-514.
- Organski ugljenik u obalnim sedimentima Save kod Novog Beograda kao faktor akumulacije nekih metala. Magistarska teza, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Beograd, 1988.
- Ispitivanje prirode asocijacija teških metala i identifikacija njihovih supstrata u aluvijalnom sedimentu metodom sekvencijalne ekstrakcije. Doktorska disertacija, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 1991.
- P. Polić: Hemija životne sredine za studente studijskih grupa Biologija i hemija, i Fizika i hemija (recenzenti: D. Vitorović, P. Pfendt), 2002. (Udžbenik nije štampan)
Poglavlja u knjigama / Book Chapters:
- Purić, M; Pfendt, P; Polić, P.; Effects of Tributaries on River Water / Sediment Interactions: a Multidimensional Presentation. In: Geosciences and Water Resources: Enviromental Data Modeling (C. Bardinet, J.-J. Royer, Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1997, pp. 51-55.
- Polić, P., Blagojević, S.: Teški metali u vodama. U: Teški metali u životnoj sredini (urednik: R. Kastori), Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 1997, str. 49-94.
- Polić, P., Gržetić, I., Đorđević, D., Popović, A., Kisić, D., Žbogar, Z.: Sequential leaching of coal ash. In: Environmental Geotechnics (Eds.: Seco, P.S., Pinto, A.A.) Balkema Publ., Rotterdam, 1998, pp. 229-234.
- Polić, P., Gržetić, I., Đorđević, D., Popović, A., Marković, D.: Association Forms of Heavy Metals in Fly Ash from Power Plants. In: EUROTRAC-2, Volume 2 (Eds., Borrell, P.M., Borrell, P), WTTpress, Southampton, 1999, pp. 296-300.
- Polić P, Jovančićević B, Popović A, Radmanović D, Đorđević D, Mikašinović B.: Polluted sediments and soil: risk assessment for aquatic systems in Serbia after the '99 conflict. In: New Trends in Water and Environmental Engineering for Safety and Life (Eds.: Maione U, Maione-Lehto B, Monti R), on CD-ROM, #64, 8 pages, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, 2000 (ISBN 90 5809 138-4).
- Polić, P.S., Ilić, M.R.: Solidification / Stabilization Technologies for the Prevention of Surface and Ground Water Pollution from Hazardous Wastes. In: Environmental Impact Assessment of Recycled Wastes on Surface and Ground Waters - Chemodynamics, Toxicology and Modeling, The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Volume 5, (Eds.: T.A.T. Aboul-Kassim, K.J. Williamson), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002.
- Polic, P.S., Ilic, M.R., Popovic, A.R.: Environmental Impact Assessment of Lignite Fly Ash and Its Utilization Products as Recycled Hazardous Wastes on Surface and Ground Water Quality. In: Environmental Impact Assessment of Recycled Wastes on Surface and Ground Waters - Chemodynamics, Toxicology and Modeling, The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry Volume 5, Part F, Volume 2, (Eds.: T.A.T. Aboul-Kassim, K.J. Williamson), pp. 61-110, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005 (ISBN 3-540-00268-5)
- Popović A, Radmanović D, Đorđević D, Polić P.: Leaching of Selected Elements From Coal Ash Dumping. In: Environmental Chemistry - Green Chemistry and Pollutants in Ecosystems (Eds.: Lichtfouse E, Schwarzbauer J, Robert D) Chapter 14, pp. 145-151, Springer-Verlag 2005. (ISBN 978-3-540-22860-8).
- Popović A, Đorđević D, Relić D, Vukmirović Z, Mihajlidi-Zelić A, Polić P.: Speciation of Heavy Metals in Geological Matter of the Serbian National Parks, Protected Areas and Cities Within the Danube River Basin After the War Conflict in 1999. In: Environmental Consequences of War and Aftermath, The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry (Eds.: Kassim TA, Barcelo D) Volume 3, Part 3U, pp. 283-320, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009. (ISBN 978-3-540-87961-9).
Izabrani radovi:
- Miodragović, Z., Polić, P., and Pfendt, P.: Methanol-soluble fractions of alluvial organic matter. Correlations with zinc. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (1989), 54 (6), 291-297.
- Pfendt, P.A., Polić, P., Krsmanović, V.D. and Vitorović, D.; Metal-organic matter interactions in the formation of an oil shale deposit. Advances in Organic Geochemistry 1989 (Ed. by B. Durand and F. Behar), Pergamon Press, Oxford 1990, pp. 621-629. Org. Geochem. 1990, 16 (1-3), 621-629.
- Polić, P. and Pfendt, P.: Aquifer contamination by heavy metals: copper and chromium speciation at a Novi Beograd location. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 1991, 56 (4), 241-248.
- Pfendt, P.A., Polić, P., Krsmanović, V.D. and Vitorović, D.: Diverse mineral matrix effects on the oil yield of shale originating from different sulphate-reducing enviroments. Organic Geochemistry. Advances and Applications in Energy and the Natural Environment (Ed. David Manning), Manchester University Press, 1991, pp. 320-322.
- Vitorović, D., Amblés, A., Bajc, S., Cvetković, O., Polić, P.: Structural differences between kerogens of the same conventional type demonstrated by their oxidation products. Organic Geochemistry. Advances and Applications in Energy and the Natural Environment (Ed. David Manning), Manchester University Press, 1991, pp. 464-469.
- Polic, Predrag; Pfendt, Petar: Iron and manganese oxides as dominant nickel substrates in the Novi Beograd aquifer [Serbia]. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 1992, 57 (10), 697-703.
- Pfendt, Petar; Polić, Predrag; Đarmati, Danica; Ristić, Emilija: Identification of the substrates of mobile selenium in alluvial sediments of the Sava river. Biological Trace Element Research 1992, 33 (1), 167.
- Polić, P., Pfendt, P., Krsmanović, V.D. and Vitorović, D.: Chemical characterization of the event which changed the sulphate reducing conditions during early diagenesis of an oil shale deposit. 16th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Stavanger 1993 (Co-ordinating Editor Kjell Oygard), Falch Hurtigtrykk Publ., Oslo 1993, pp. 634-638.
- Polic, Predrag; Pfendt, Petar: Alluvial aquifer contamination: exchangeable heavy metals and factors affecting their spatial distribution. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 1994, 74 (1-2), 155-167.
- Vitorović, D., Amblès, A., Bajc, S., Cvetković, O., Polić, P.: Kerogen diversity demonstrated by oxidation. I. Type I kerogens. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 1994, 59 (2), 75-85.
- Polic, P., Grzetic, I., Jovancicevic, B.: Oxygen saturation variability in River Timok (Serbia/Bulgaria), Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (1994) 3 (7) 433-438.
- Jovančićević, B., Polić, P., Šaban, M., Vitorović, D.: A contribution to the elucidation of an apparent controversy on the pristane/phytane ratio as a crude oil maturation parameter. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (1994), 59(12), 993-1002..
- Polic, P., Grzetic, I., Jovancicevic, B., Rancic, L.: Oxygen saturation variability: II. Relatively unpolluted river systems - River Juzna Morava (Serbia, Bulgaria, Fyrm). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (1995) 4(11), 667-672.
- Šušić, N.M., Bogdanović, H., Polić, P.S.: The influence of high pressures on structural changes in calcite. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (1995), 60(9), 765-769.
- Polic, Predrag; Pfendt, Petar: Alluvial aquifer contamination: carbonates and easily reducible oxyhydroxides as heavy metal substrates. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (1996), 61(11), 1001-1013.
- Purić, M., Pfendt, P., Polić, P.: River water/sediment interactions: Effects of tributaries. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (1996), 5(5/6), 339-344.
- Vitorović, D., Amblès, A., Cvetković, O., Bajc, S., Polić, P.: Kerogen diversity demonstrated by oxidation. II. Type II kerogens. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (1996) 61(3), 137-147.
- Jovančićević, B.S., Tasić, L.Z., Polić, P.S., Golovko, A.K., Vitorović, D.K.: GC-MS in crude oil correlation studies - Effects of biodegradation on sterane and terpane maturation parameters. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (1996) 61(9), 817-821.
- Gržetić, I., Pavićević, M., Polić, P.: Determination of arsenic sources by means of EPMA and its environmental impact in the Bor mining district (Serbia). Beitr. Elektronmikroskop. Direktabb.u. Analyse v. Oberfl. (1996) 29, 109-114.
- Kljajić, R., Mašić, Z., Žunić, Z., Gordanić, V., Polić, P.: Natural radionuclide emission from a coal power plant and the population exposure to external radiation in its vicinity. Environment International (1996) 22 (SUPPL. 1) S227-S235.
- Šušić, N.M., Spasojević, A.D., Polić, P.S.: A possibility for obtaining silicate materials by cold sintering. Science of Sintering (1996) Spec. Issue, 28, 129-136.
- Šušić, N.M., Spasojević, A.D., Polić, P.S.: The influence of high pressures on structural changes of some minerals. Engineering Geology (1997) 46(1), 33-40.
- Jovančićević, B., Tasić, L., Wehner, H., Šušić, N., Polić, P.: Identification of oil-type pollution in recent sediments. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (1997) 6(11-12) 667-673.
- Vitorović, D., Amblès, A., Bajc, S., Cvetković, O., Polić, P.: Kerogen diversity demonstrated by oxidation. III. Type I-II kerogens. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (1998) 63(6) 419-431.
- Jovančićević, B., Tasić, L., Wehner, H., Marković, D., Polić, P.: n-Alkane distribution as a tool in the identification of organic type pollution in river sediments. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (1998) 7(5-6), 320-326.
- Mićić, M., Jovančićević, B., Polić, P., Šušić, N., Marković, D.: Classification tools based on artificial neural networks for the purpose of identification of origin of organic matter and oil pollution in recent sediments. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (1998) 7(11-12), 648-653.
- Sušić, N., Polić, P.: The influence of high pressures on structural changes in alumosilicates. Science of Sintering (1999) 31(2), 111-116.
- Jovančićević, B., Polić, P.: n-Alkanes as a tool for estimation of the biodegradation of oil-type pollutants in alluvial sediments (Danube, Yugoslavia). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (2000) 9(3-4) 232-237.
- Popovic, A., Djordjevic, D., Polic, P.: Leaching of trace and major elements from coal ash dumps. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry (2000) 75(3-4), 141-150.
- Popovic, A., Djordjevic, D., Polic, P.: Trace and major element pollution originating from coal ash suspension and transport processes. Environment International (2001) 26, 251-255.
- Adnađević, B., Popović, A., Polić, P.: New prospects of using of coal ash from power plant: Manufacturing of zeolite type A. Environmental Protection and Ecology (2001) 2(1), 232-237.
- Popović, A. Polić, P.: Calcium, magnesium and potassium associated elements in dump coal ash leached with solutions of different pH. Environmental Protection and Ecology (2001) 2(1), 238-243.
- Popović, A., Mićić, M., Jović, V., Živančević, B., Marković, D., Polić P., Leblanc, R.: Environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) charavterization of coal ash particles from „Nikola Tesla“ power plant (Serbia). Environmental Protection and Ecology (2001) 2(1), 244-249.
- Jovančićević, B., Mikašinović, B., Jokić, B., Anđelković, A., Mihajlov, A, Polić, P.: Identification and fate of petroleum-type pollutants in ground waters of the Danube alluvial formations (Pančevo Oil refinery Yugoslavia). Environmental Protection and Ecology (2001) 2(1), 112-117.
- Todorović, Z., Polić, P.: Cycling of iron and manganese in the „Barje“ lake basin (Leskovac, Yugoslavia). Environmental Protection and Ecology (2001) 2(2), 614-624.
- Lolić, A., Nikolić-Mandić, S., Polić, P.: Optimization and application of the gas-diffusion flow injection for the determination of chloride. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2001) 66(9), 637-646.
- Todorović, Z., Polić, P., Djordjević, D., Antonijević, S.: Lead distribution in water and its association with sediment constituents of the "Barje" lake (Leskovac, Yugoslavia). Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2001) 66(10), 697-708.
- Radmanović D, Đorđević D, Gršić Z, Radenković M, Popović A, Jovančićević B, Polić P.: Speciation of Fe, Ni, Pb and Cd in soil and sediment samples from Pančevo and „Deliblatska peščara“ (National park in the Danube area, Nothern Serbia). Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (2001) 2, 199-207.
- Jovančićević, B., Polić, P., Vitorović, D., Teschner, M., Wehner, H.: Biodegradation of oil-type pollutants in Danube alluvial sediments (Yugoslavia). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (2001) 10(2), 178-182.
- Bozanovic, N., Polic, P.: Dominant substrates of zinc in sediments of the River Lim. Dominant substrates of zinc in sediments of the River Lim. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (2001) 10(6), 572-575.
- Jovančićević, B., Polić, P., Mikašinović, B., Teschner, M., Wehner, H.: Steranes and triterpanes as a tool for identification of petroleum-type pollutants in alluvial ground waters (Danube alluvial sediments, Yugoslavia). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (2001) 10 (6) 527-532.
- Micic, M., Markovic, D., Vukelic, N., Stamatovic, A., Milosevic, B., Radu, A., Polic, P., Markovic, V., Leblanc, R.M.: Gaseous and particulate sulfur in Belgrade troposphere. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (2001) 10(7), 629-634.
- Esposito, M., Polić, P., Bartolomei, P., Simić, S., Jovanović, V.: Survey of natural and anthropogenic radioactivity in environmental samples from Yugoslavia. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity (2002) 61(3), 271-282.
- Radulović, M., Cvetković, O., Vrvić, M., Polić, P., Jakovljević, D.: Peat (Vlasina Lake, Yugoslavia) as a substrate for pullulan biosynthesis with Aureobasidium pullulans strain CH-1. Environmental Protection and Ecology (2002) 3(1), 205-209.
- Jovanović, T., Koruga, Dj., Polić, P., Dević, G.: Extraction, separation and characterization of fullerenes from carbon soot. Materials Science Forum (2002) 413, 59-64.
- Todorović, Z., Polić, P., Sabo, T., Cakić, M.: Preconcentration method for trace metals in natural waters using 4-morpholine dithiocarbamate. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2002) 67(12), 879-885.
- Jovančićević, B., Polić, P., Vrvić, M., Teschner, M., Wehner, H.: Transformations of n-alkanes from petroleum pollutants in alluvial groundwaters. Environmental Chemistry Letters (2003) 1(1), 73-81.
- Micic, M., Leblanc, R.M., Markovic, D., Vukelic, N., Polic, P.: Atlas of the tropospheric aerosols from Belgrade troposphere. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (2003) 12(9), 1015-1024.
- Grujić, S., Jovančićević, B., Polić, P., Wehner, H.: Biomarkers of oil-type pollutants in surface soil. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (2003) 12(4), 359-363.
- Dordevic, Dragana; Radmanovic, Dubravka; Mihajlidi-Zelic, Aleksandra; Ilic, Mila; Pfendt, Petar; Vukmirovic, Zorka; Polic, Predrag: Principal associations of trace elements in the long-term sampled airborne particulate matter. Environmental Chemistry Letters (2004), 2(3), 147-150.
- Sakan S., Đorđević D., Manojlović D., Polić P.: Assessment of heavy metal pollutants accumulation in the Tisza river sediments. Journal of Environmental Management (2009) 90, 3382-3391.
- Relić D, Đorđević D, Popović A, Jadranin M, Polić P.: Fractionation and Potential Mobility of Trace Metals in Danube Alluvial Aquifer within an Industrialized Zone. Environment Monitoring and Assessment (2010) 171, 229-248.
Radovi u domaćim časopisima:
Pored već navedenih radova u domaćim časopisima, profesor Predrag Polić ima još preko deset naslova.
Prilog sastavio prof. Petar Pfendt.