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- Zbirka velikana srpske hemije
- Repozitorijum Hemijskog fakulteta - Cherry
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![[dr Tibor J. Sabo]](/osoblje/21.jpg)
Hemijski fakultet, Studentski trg 12-16, Beograd
Katedra za opštu i neorgansku hemiju
Telefon: 011-3336749
Telefon (lokalni): 749
Kabinet: 554
E-mail: tsabo@chem.bg.ac.rs
Lični podaci
Rođen 22. aprila 1958. godine u Zrenjaninu, od oca Jožefa i majke Vere. Oženjen, otac jednog deteta.
Obrazovanje i usavršavanja
1977-1981: Osnovne studije - Hemijske nauke / Prirodno-matematički fakultet (Beograd)
1989: Magistratura - Hemijske nauke / Prirodno-matematički fakultet (Beograd)
1994: Doktorat - Hemijske nauke / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
Kretanje u službi
1982: Student saradnik / Prirodno-matematički fakultet (Beograd)
1982-1983: Student saradnik / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
1983: Asistent pripravnik / Prirodno-matematički fakultet (Beograd)
1983-1991: Asistent pripravnik / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
1991-1997: Asistent / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
1997-1997: Naučni saradnik / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
1997-2002: Docent / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2002-2008: Vanredni profesor / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
2007: Redovni profesor / Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Beograd)
Oblasti naučnog interesovanja
Koordinaciona hemija, bioneorganska hemija.
Nagrade i priznanja
1982: Nagrada Srpskog hemijskog društva za izuzetan uspeh tokom studiranja
Ostale aktivnosti
Član Srpskog hemijskog društva od 1985.
Član Srpskog kristalografskog društva od 1998.
Pomoćnik ministra za nauku Republike Srbije od 2003. do 2007. Pomoćnih ministra za nauku i tehnološki razvoj od 2008.
Angažman u nastavi
- Metali i kompleksi metala u medicini (171A2)
- Hemija plemenitih metala (176H2)
Učešće u naučnoistraživačkim projektima
Završeni projekti:
- 2011: Racionalni dizajn i sinteza biološki aktivnih i koordinacionih jedinjenja i funkcionalnih materijala, relevantnih u (bio) nanotehnologiji – 172035
vrsta projekta: domaći fundamentalni
projekat finansira: Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije (Beograd) - 2014-2015: Pretklinička ispitivanja O,O’ – dietil -(S,S) – etilendiamin- N,N’-di-2-(3-cikloheksil)propanoat- dihidrohlorida – 451-03-2802-IP 1/77 (rukovodilac projekta)
vrsta projekta: domaći inovacioni - 2017: Pretklinička ispitivanja O,O'-dietil-(S,S)-etilendiamin-N,N'-di-2-(3-cikloheksil)propanoat-dihidrohlorida - završna faza – 391-00-16/2017-16/6 IP (rukovodilac projekta)
vrsta projekta: domaći inovacioni
projekat finansira: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja (Beograd)
Brojevi za identifikaciju autora
- ORCID: 0000-0002-9866-327X
- ResearcherID: Q-6063-2016
- Scopus: 7004201321
- Repozitorijum Hemijskog fakulteta Cherry
Izabrane reference
Knjige i revijalni radovi / Books and reviews:
- Srećko R. Trifunović, Tibor J. Sabo: ''Opšta hemija'' , PMF, Kragujevac, Treće izdanje, 2004.
- Zoran Miodragović, Tibor J. Sabo: ''Zbirka zadataka iz Opšte hemije'', Hemijski fakultet, Beograd, 2003.
- T. J. Sabo, S. R. Grgurić-Šipka, S. R. Trifunović: Transition metal complexes with EDDA-type ligands. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry (2002), 9, 1661-1717.
- Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Schmidt, Harry; Sabo, Tibor, J.: From synthesis to antitumoral activity of platinum(II) and platinum(IV) complexes with bis(carboxyalkylamino)ethane and –propane ligands in: Inorganic biochemistry: Research progress. Editors: J. G. Huges and A.J. Robinson, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 2008, 305-326
Izabrani radovi / Selected papers:
- Krajčinović, Bojana B.; Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Steinborn, Dirk; Schmidt, Harry; Wagner, Christoph; Merzweiler, Kurt; Trifunović, Srećko R.; Sabo, Tibor J.: Palladium(II) complexes with R2edda derived ligands. Part I. Reaction of diisopropyl (S,S)-2,2'-(1,2-ethanediyldiimino)dipropanoate with K2[PdCl4]. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2009), 74(4), 389-400.
- Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Vasiljević, Tanja M.; Laušević, Mila D.; Gaballa, Akmal S.; Sabo, Tibor J.: Electrospray mass spectrometric studies of a potential antitumor drug and its analogous platinum(II) and platinum(IV) complexes with the ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-3-propanoato ligand and its dibutyl ester. Monatshefte fuer Chemie (2009), 140(5), 553-557.
- Zmejkovski, Bojana B.; Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Gomez-Ruiz, Santiago; Sabo, Tibor J.: (S,S)-N,N'-Bis(1-carboxy-2-methylpropyl)ethylenediammonium dihalide cyclopentanol tetrasolvate (halide = bromide/chloride .simeq. 1:12). Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online (2009), E65(3), o656-o657, o656/1-o656/9.
- Đinović, Vesna M.; Todorović, Tamara; Žižak, Željko; Sabo, Tibor J.; Juranić, Zorica D. Ru(III) complexes derived from N-methyl derivatives of glycine and 1,3-propylenediamine-N,N'-diacetato ligands and their activities against HeLa, K562 cell lines and human PBMC. Journal of Coordination Chemistry (2009), 62(2), 328-336.
- Stojanović, Ksenija; Jovančićević, Branimir; Sajnović, Aleksandra; Sabo, Tibor J.; Vitorović, Dragomir; Schwarzbauer, Jan; Golovko, Anatoly.: Pyrolysis and Pt(IV)- and Ru(III)-ion catalyzed pyrolysis of asphaltenes in organic geochemical investigation of a biodegraded crude oil (Gaj, Serbia). Fuel (2008), Volume Date 2009, 88(2), 287-296.
- Gomez-Ruiz, Santiago; Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Prashar, Sanjiv; Polo-Ceron, Dorian; Fajardo, Mariano; Žižak, Željko; Sabo, Tibor J.; Juranić, Zorica D.: Cytotoxic studies of substituted titanocene and ansa-titanocene anticancer drugs. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2008), 102(8), 1558-1570.
- Grgurić-Šipka, Sanja; Alshtewi, Mohamed Al. Arbi M.; Jeremić, Dejan; Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Gomez-Ruiz, Santiago; Žižak, Željko; Juranić, Zorica; Sabo, Tibor J.: Synthesis, structural characterization and cytotoxic activity of two new organoruthenium(II) complexes. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2008), 73(6), 619-630.
- Kaluđerovic, Goran N.; Paethanom, Anchan; Wagner, Christoph; Sabo, Tibor J.; Schmidt, Harry. N,N'-Bis[2-(methoxycarbonyl)ethyl]ethane-1,2-diammonium dichloride. Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online (2008), E64(7), o1232, o1232/1-o1232/8.
- Krajčinović, Bojana B.; Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Steinborn, Dirk; Schmidt, Harry; Wagner, Christoph; Žižak, Željko; Juranić, Zorica D.; Trifunović, Srećko R.; Sabo, Tibor J.: Synthesis and in vitro antitumoral activity of novel O,O'-di-2-alkyl-(S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-2-propanoate ligands and corresponding platinum(II/IV) complexes. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2008), 102(4), 892-900
- Gomez-Ruiz, Santiago; Kaluderovic, Goran N.; Polo-Ceron, Dorian; Prashar, Sanjiv; Fajardo, Mariano; Zizak, Zeljko; Juranic, Zorica D.; Sabo, Tibor J.. Study of the cytotoxic activity of alkenyl-substituted ansa-titanocene complexes. Inorganic Chemistry Communications (2007), 10(7), 748-752.
- Leka,Z. B.; Leovac, V. M.; Lukić, S.; Sabo, T. J.; Trifunović, S. R.; Szecsenyi, K. M. Synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of new dithiocarbamato ligand and its complexes with copper(II), nickel(II) and palladium(II). Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2006), 83(3) 687-691.
- Kaluđerović, G. N.; Bogdanovic, G. A.; Sabo, T. J: Crystal structure of ethylenediammonium-N,N'-di-3-propionic acid tetrachloroplatinate(II), (CH2NH2(CH2)2COOH)2[PtCl4tetrachloroplatinate(II),(CH2NH2(CH2)2COOH)2[PtCl4]. Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures (2006), 221(3), 345-346.
- Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Đinović, Vesna M.; Juranic, Zorica D.; Stanojkovic, Tatjana P.; Sabo, Tibor J: Activity of some platinum(II/IV) complexes with edda-type ligands against human adenocarcinoma HeLa cells. Journal of Coordination Chemistry (2006), 59(7), 815-819.
- Mijatović, S.; Maksimović-Ivanić, D.; Radović, J.; Miljković, D.; Kaluđerović, G. N.; Sabo, T. J.; Trajković, V: Aloe emodin decreases the ERK-dependent anticancer activity of cisplatin. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (2005), 62(11), 1275-1282.
- Kaluđerović Goran N.; Miljković, Đorđe; Momčilović, Miljana; Đinović, Vesna M.; Stojković, Marija Mostarica; Sabo, Tibor J.; Trajković, Vladimir: Novel platinum(IV) complexes induce rapid tumor cell death in vitro. International Journal of Cancer (2005), 116(3), 479-486.
- Marković, Miloš; Knežević, Nikola; Momčilović, Miljana; Grgurić-Šipka, Sanja; Harhaji, Ljubica; Trajković, Vladimir; Stojković, Marija Mostarica; Sabo, Tibor; Miljković, Đorđe: Pt(HPxSC)Cl3], a novel platinum(IV) compound with anticancer properties. European Journal of Pharmacology (2005), 517(1-2), 28-34.
- Sabo, Tibor J.; Đinović, Vesna M.; Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Stanojković, Tatjana P.; Bogdanović, Goran A.; Juranić, Zorica D: Syntheses and activity of some platinum(IV) complexes with N-methyl derivative of glycine and halogeno ligands against HeLa, K562 cell lines and human PBMC. Inorganica Chimica Acta (2005), 358(7), 2239-2245.
- Đinović, Vesna M.; Mančić, Lidija T.; Bogdanović, Goran A.; Vulić, Predrag J.; del Rosario, Gilberto; Sabo, Tibor J.; Milošević, Olivera B: Aerosol synthesis of pure and Pt-doped ZnO particles using nitrate and pdda-Pt(IV) complex solutions. Journal of Materials Research (2005), 20(1), 102-113.
- Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Đinović, Vesna M.; Juranić, Zorica D.; Stanojković, Tatjana P.; Sabo, Tibor J: Activity of some platinum(II/IV) complexes with O,O-n-butyl-and O,O-n-pentyl-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-3-propanoate and halogeno ligands against HeLa and K562 cell lines and human PBMC. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2005), 99(2), 488-496.
- Mančić, L.; Grgurić-Šipka, S.; Đinović, V. M.; Marinković, Z.; Sabo, T.; Milošević, O: Fine nanophased ZnO:Ru and ZnO:Pt powder synthesis through aerosols. Materials Science Forum (2005), 494, 149-154.
- Đinović, Vesna; Momčilović, Miljana; Grgurić-Šipka, Sanja; Trajković, Vladimir; Stojković, Marija Mostarica; Miljković, Đorđe; Sabo, Tibor: Novel ruthenium complex K2[Ru(dmgly)Cl4]×2H2O is toxic to C6 astrocytoma cell line, but not to primary rat astrocytes. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2004), 98(12), 2168-2173.
- Sabo, Tibor J.; Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Poleti, Dejan; Karanović, Ljiljana; Boccarelli, Angelina; Cannito, Francesco; Natile, Giovanni: Cytotoxicity of some platinum(IV) complexes with ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-3-propionato ligand. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2004), 98(8), 1378-1384.
- Sabo, Tibor J.; Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Grgurić-Šipka, Sanja R.; Heinemann, Frank W.; Trifunović, Srećko R: Complex compounds of platinum(IV) and O,O-dialkyl-ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-3-propanoate ligands. A structural evidence for geometry of hydrolytic product of some esters. Inorganic Chemistry Communications (2004), 7(2), 241-244.
- Đinović, Vesna M.; Bogdanović, Goran A.; Novaković, Slađana; Sabo, Tibor J.: Synthesis and crystal structure of trans-dichloro(1,3-propylenediamine-N,N'-diacetato)platinum(IV) monohydrate. Journal of Coordination Chemistry (2004), 57(7), 535-541.
- Kaluđerović, G. N.; Heinemann, F. W.; Knežević, N. Z.; Trifunović, S. R.; Sabo, T.J: Crystal structure of (ethylenediammonium-N,N'-di-3-propanoic acid) trachloropalladate(II) complex. Journal of Chemical Crystallography (2004), 34(3), 185-189.
- Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Heinemann, Frank W.; Leovac, Vukadin M.; Trifunović, Srećko R.; Sabo, Tibor J.: Ethylenediammoniumaquabis(malonato) oxo¬vanadate¬(IV). Acta Crystallographica, Section E: Structure Reports Online (2003), E59(7), m541-m542.
- Grgurić-Šipka, S. R.; Sabo, T. J.; Trifunović, S. R.; Minić, D. M: Investigation of thermal stability and kinetics of thermal degradation of meridional isomers of aminocarboxylato cobalt(III) complexes. Thermochimica Acta (2003), 399(1-2), 145-152.
- Grgurić-Šipka, Sanja R.; Vilaplana, Rosario A.; Perez, Jose M.; Fuertes, Miguel A.; Alonso, Carlos; Alvarez, Ysmael; Sabo, Tibor J.; Gonzalez-Vilchez, Francisco: Synthesis, characterization, interaction with DNA and cytotoxicity of the new potential antitumour drug cis-K[Ru(eddp)Cl2]. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2003), 97(2), 215-220.
- Kneževic, Nikola Z.; Leovac, Vukadin M.; Jevtović, Violeta S.; Grgurić-Šipka, Sanja; Sabo, Tibor J. Platinum(IV) complex with pyridoxal semicarbazone. Inorganic Chemistry Communications (2003), 6(5), 561-564.
- Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Sabo, Tibor J. Synthesis and characterization of the cobalt(III) complexes with ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-3-propanoate ligand and its esters. Polyhedron (2002), 21(22), 2277-2282.
- Todorović, Z.; Polić, P.; Sabo, T.; Cakić, M.: Preconcentration method for trace metals in natural waters using 4-morpholine dithiocarbamate. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2002), 67(12), 879-885.
- Đinović, Vesna M.; Bogdanović, Goran A.; Novaković, Slađana; Sabo, Tibor J.: Synthesis and crystal structure of s-cis-(ethylenediamine-N,N'-di¬acet¬ato)¬cobalt(III) complex with N,N-dimethylglycine. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry (2002), 32(6), 1085-1097.
- Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Bogdanović, Goran A.; Sabo, Tibor J.: Synthesis and crystal structure of trans-dichloro(ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-3-propionato) platinum(IV) monohydrate. Journal of Coordination Chemistry (2002), 55(7), 817-822.
- Xu, Xing-You; Zheng, Tao; Ma, Wei-Xing; Zhang, Ming-Xing; Liu, Qing-Liang; Grgurić, Sanja R.; Đinović, Vesna M.; Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Sabo, Tibor J.: Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of a 4,4'-bipyridine bridged trigonal-bipyramidal copper homobinuclear complex with tris(2-aminoethyl)amine. Journal of Coordination Chemistry (2002), 55(6), 711-716.
- Đinović, Vesna M.; Sabo, Tibor J.: Preparation and characterization of facial and meridional isomers of uns-cis-(ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-3-propionato)(S- arginine)cobalt(III) chloride dihydrate. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2002), 67(5), 367-372.
- Kaluđerović, Goran N.; Đinović, Vesna M.; Trifunović, Srećko R.; Hodžić, Ismet M.; Sabo, Tibor J.: Synthesis and characterization of tris[butyl-(1-methyl-3-phenyl-propyl)-dithiocarbamato]cobalt(III) sesqui-toluene. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2002), 67(2), 123-126.
- Trifunović, Srećko R.; Marković, Zorica; Sladić, Dušan; Anđelković, Katarina; Sabo, Tibor; Minić, Dragica: The synthesis and characterization of nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes with the polydentate dialkyl dithiocarbamic acid ligand 3-dithiocarboxy-3-aza-5-aminopentanoate. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2002), 67(2), 115-122.
- Đinović, Vesna M.; Grgurić, Sanja R.; Xu, Xing-You; Sabo, Tibor J.:Preparation and characterization of cobalt(III) complexes with sarcosine and some tetradentate ligands of the edda type. Journal of Coordination Chemistry (2001), 53(4), 355-363.
- Petranović, N.; Minić, D.; Sabo, T. J.; Đoković, D: Kinetic and thermo¬dynamic studies of facial and meridional uns-cis-[Co(eddp)gly] complexes. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2000), 59(3), 807-814.
- Sabo, Tibor J.; Trifunović, Srećko R.: Synthesis and characterization of meridional isomer of uns-cis-(ethylenediamine-N-N'-di-3-propionato)(S-norleucinato)cobalt(III) semihydrate. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2000), 65(7), 537-541.
- Marković, Z. B.; Bogdanović, G. A.; Spasojević-De Bire, A.; Sabo, T. J.; Trifunović, S.R.: Crystal structure of ammonium iminodiacetate, NH4C4H6NO4. Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie-New Crystal Structures (2000), 215(3), 363-364.
- Sabo, Tibor J.; Grgurić, Sanja R.:The preparation and characterization of uns-cis-(ethylenediamine-N,N'-di-3-propionato)(N-alkylethylenediamines) cobalt(III) complexes. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2000), 65(3), 167-171.