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Врста пројекта: Остали међународни истраживачки
Број уговора: KP-06-H64/5
Пројекат финансира: Bulgarian National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science (Софија, Бугарска)
Установе реализатори истраживања:
- Geological Institute “Strashimir Dimitrov”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Софија, Бугарска) – координација
- University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” (Софија, Бугарска) – партнер
- Универзитет у Београду - Хемијски факултет (Београд) – партнер
- Иновациони центар Хемијског факултета у Београду, д.о.о. Београд (Београд) – партнер
- Montanuniversität Leoben, Department of Applied Geosciences and Geophysics (Леобен, Аустрија) – партнер
Предвиђено је да се пројекат реализује од 1. 12. 2022. до 30. 11. 2025.
Руководилац пројекта: Zlatka Milakovska, Geological Institute “Strashimir Dimitrov”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Софија, Бугарска)
Кратак опис пројекта
Thе project is focused at investigating the processes of coal formation within the basins from the Pernik coal Province, as well as Maritza-Iztok Basin. For that purpose, an interdisciplinary approach will be applied, including: 1) Critical analysis and re-interpretation of exploratory geological documentation; 2) Comprehensive petrographic analysis of coal that enable to establish the changes in petrographic composition throughout the basins; 3) Determination of the coalification degree; 4) Detailed organic geochemical investigation of the hydrocarbons generation potential of the coals; 5) Detailed characterization of the molecular composition and determination of biomarkers, in order to provide data on the environmental settings, extent of microbiological activity, plant paleocommunities, etc. On the other hand, the results are expected to allow the preliminary assessment of the potential for thorough and environmentally friendly coal utilization (e.g. through coalbed methane production or through underground gasification), which will stimulate the development of future practical projects (including private companies).