![[dr Dubravka J. Relic]](/osoblje/74.jpg)
Faculty of Chemistry, Studentski trg 12-16, Beograd
Department of Applied Chemistry
Phone: 011-3336801
Phone (local): 801
Laboratory: 630
E-mail: dradman@chem.bg.ac.rs
Personal data
Date of birth: 9. October 1974, Vukovar.
Education and qualifications
1993-1998: Undergraduate studies - Chemistry / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
1999-2006: Master of science studies - Chemistry / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2011-2012: Doctoral academic (PhD) studies - Chemistry / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
History of employment
1999: Graduate researcher / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2003-2007: Graduate assistant / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2007-2014: Assistant / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2014-2014: Scientific associate / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2014-2019: Assistant professor / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2019: Associate professor / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
Scientific interest
Environmental chemistry: sediment, soil, ground and surface water, air.
Other activities
Member of the Committee for Exams Recognition from January 18, 2018 till January 14, 2021.
Member of the Committee for Promotion of the Faculty of Chemistry from October 10, 2019 till October 10, 2021.
Member of the Committee for Exams Recognition from January 14, 2021.
Educational activities
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollutants (511S2)
- Chemodynamics of Pollutants (515S2)
- Environmental Chemistry (519P2)
- Bioindicators (523S2)
- Human Health and Environment Risk Assessment (553S2)
- Chemodynamics of Selected Pollutants (573H2)
Participation in research projects
Active projects:
- 2022-2025: Twinning to address the PFAS challenge in Serbia (PFAStwin) – No. 101059534
project type: Horizon EU
project is funded by: European Commission (Brusseles, Belgium) - 2021-2022: Sources and occurrence of organophosphate flame retardants in indoor and outdoor environments in Germany and Serbia – human exposure assessment and possible degradation methods – 451-03-01344/2020-09/4 (principal investigator)
project type: Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
project is funded by: Univerzitet u Beogradu - Hemijski fakultet (Belgrade, Serbia), Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja (Belgrade, Serbia)
Finished projects:
- 2011: – 172001
project type: National Fundamental Research Projects
project is funded by: Ministry of Science and Technological Development (Belgrade, Serbia) - 2011: – 43007
project type: National Fundamental Research Projects
project is funded by: Ministry of Science and Technological Development (Belgrade, Serbia) - 2016-2019: Networking for Overcoming Technical and Social Barriers in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Education - NETCHEM – ERASMUS-NETCHEM
project type: International
project is funded by: European Union (Brusseles, Belgium) - 2019: Pollution state of soils and food samples in Serbia and Slovakia - bioaccessibility fraction of elements and health risk assessment – 337-00-107/2019-09/17 (principal investigator)
project type: International
project is funded by: Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja (Belgrade, Serbia), Government of the Slovak Republic (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Author identification numbers
- ORCID: 0000-0002-0876-4561
- ResearcherID: P-5939-2016
- Scopus: 55924042500
- Faculty of Chemistry Repository Cherry
Representative references
Knjige i revijalni radovi / Books and reviews:
- Popović A, Đorđević D, Relić D, Vukmirović Z, Mihajlidi-Zelić A, Polić P. Speciation of Heavy Metals in Geological Matter of the Serbian National Parks, Protected Areas and Cities Within the Danube River Basin After the War Conflict in 1999. Environmental Consequences of War and Aftermath, The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Volume 3, Part 3U, edited by T.A. Kassim, D. Barcelo, pp. 283-320, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2009 (ISBN # 978-3-540-87961-9).
- Popović A, Đorđević D, Relić D, Đinović-Stojanović J. "Termoelektrana kao mogući izvori zagađenja površinskih i podzemnih voda", Energetika i životna sredina, urednik Marko Anđelković, s. 373-6401, Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Begrad, 2013 (ISBN # 978-86-7025-607-1).
Izabrani radovi / Selected papers:
- Đorđević D, Radmanović D, Mihajlidi-Zelić A, Ilić M, Pfendt P, Vukmirović Z, Polić P. Association of trace elements in aerosol at the south Adriatic coast. Environmental Chemistry Letters (2004), 2(3), 147-150;
- Relić D, Đorđević D, Popović A, Blagojević T. Speciations of trace metals in the Danube alluvial sediments within an oil refinery. Environment International (2005), 31, 661-669;
- Đorđević D, Mihajlidi-Zelić A, Relić D. Differentiation of the contribution of local resuspension from that of regional and remote sources on trace elements content in the atmosphere aerosol in the Mediterranean area. Atmospheric Environment (2005), 39, 6271-6281;
- Mrkić S, Pfendt PA, Jovančićević B, Matić I, Vujasinović S, Babić D, Vrvić M, Djordjević D, Gojgić-Cvijović G, Nikolić P, Dević G, Matić V, Relić D, Trifunović S. The influence of the association patterns of phosphorus–substrates and xylene–substrates on the degradation of xylenes in an alluvial aquifer. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society (2005), 70 (12), 1515–1531;
- Mihajlidi-Zelić A, Deršek-Timotić I, Relić D, Popović A, Đorđević D. Contribution of marine and continental aerosols to the content of major ions in the precipitation of the central Mediterranean. Science of the Total Environment (2006), 370 (2-3), 441-451.
- Relić D, Đorđević D, Popović A, Jadranin M, Polić P. Fractionation and potential mobility of trace metals in Danube alluvial aquifer within an industrialized zone, Environment monitoring and assessment (2010), 171, 229-248.
- Relić D, Đorđević D, Popović A. Assessment of the pseudo total metal content in alluvial sediments from Danube River, Serbia. Environmental Earth Science (2011), 63, 1303-1317.
- Relić D, Đorđević D, Sakan S, Anđelković I, Miletić S, Đuričić J. Aqua regia extracted metals in sediments from the industrial area and surroundings of Pančevo, Serbia. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2011), 186, 1893-1901.
- Sakan S, Đorđević D, Dević G, Relić D, Anđelković I, Đuričić J. A study of trace element contamination in river sediments in Serbia using microwave-assisted aqua regia digestion and multivariate statistical analysis. Microchemical Journal (2011), 99, 492-502.
- Popović A, Đorđević D, Relić D, Mihajlidi-Zelić A. Speciation of Trace and Major Elements from Coal Combustion Products of Serbian Power Plants (I)- "Kostolac A" Power Plant. Energy Sources - Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects (2011), 33, 1960-1968.
- Popovic A, Djordjevic D, Relic D, Mihajlidi-Zelic A. Speciation of Trace and Major Elements from Coal Combustion Products of Serbian Power Plants (II)- "Obilic" Power Plant. Energy Sources- Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects (2011), 33, 2309-2318.
- Đorđević D, Mihajlidi-Zelić A, Relić D, Ignjatović Lj, Huremović J, Stortini AM, Gambaro A. Size-segregated mass concentration and water soluble inorganic ions in an urban aerosol of the Central Balkans (Belgrade). Atmospheric Environment (2012), 46, 309-317.
- Popović A, Đorđević D, Relić D. Associations and pollution potential of selected trace and major elements in filter lignite ash from the "Nikola Tesla A" power plant - (Obrenovac, Serbia) (I)-leaching experiments. Energy sources - Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects (2013), 35, 529-537.
- Relić D, Đorđević D, Sakan S, Anđelković I, Pantelić A, Stanković R, Popović A. Conventional, microwave and ultrasound sequential extractions for the fractionation of metals in sediments within petrochemical industry, Serbia. Environmental monitoring and assessments (2013), 185, 7627-7645.
- Pergal M, Relić D, Tešić Ž, Popović A. Leaching of polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons from power plant lignite ash - influence of parameters important for environmental pollution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2014), 21, 3435-3442.
- Đorđević D, Stortini AM, Relić D, Mihajlidi-Zelić A, Huremović J, Barbante C, Gambaro A. Trace elements in size-segregated urban aerosol in relation to the anthropogenic emission sources and the resuspension. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2014), 21, 10949-10959.
- Sakan S, Dević G, Relić D, Anđelković I, Sakan N, Đorđević D. Risk assessment of trace element contamination in river sediments in Serbia using pollution indices and statistical methods: a pilot study. Environmental Earth Science (2015) 73, 6625-6638.
- Sakan S, Dević G, Relić D, Anđelković I, Sakan N, Đorđević D. Evaluation of sediment contamination with heavy metals: the importance of determining appropriate background content and suitable element for normalization. Environmental Geochemisty and Health (2015) 37, 97-113.
- Sakan SM, Dević GJ, Relić DJ, Anđelković IB, Sakan NM, Đorđević DS. Environmental assessment of heavy metal pollution in freshwater sediment, Serbia. Clean - Soil, Air, Water (2015) 43, 838-845.
- Popović A, Đorđević D, Relić D. Association and pollution potential of selected trace and major elements in filter lignite ash - Statistical Analysis. Energy Sources, Part A (2015) 37, 987-996.
- Mihajlidi-Zelić A, Đorđević D, Relić D, Tošić I, Ignjatović Lj, Stortini MA, Gambaro A. Water-soluble inorganic ions in urban aerosols of the continental part of Balkans (Belgrade) during the summer - autumn (2008). Open Chemistry (2015) 13, 245-256.
- Popović A, Relić D, Đorđević D. Trace and Major Elements in Ash of "Nikola Tesla A" Power Plant Dump (III) - Association of Elements in Passive Cassette Ash. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects (2015) 37, 1487-1494.
- Đorđević D, Buha J, Stortini AM, Mihajlidi-Zelić A, Relić D, Barbante C, Gambaro A. Mass distribution and morphological and chemical characterization of urban aerosols in the continental Balkan area (Belgrade). Envrionmental Science and Pollution Research (2016) 23, 851-859.
- Milićević T, Relić D, Škivanj S, Tešić Ž, Popović A. Assessment of major and trace element bioavailabilty in vineyard soil. Chemosphere (2017) 171, 284-293.
- Relić D, Popović A, Đorđević D, Čáslavský J. Occurance of synthetic musk compounds in surface, underground, waste and processed water samples in Belgrade, Serbia. Envrionmental Earth Science (2017) 76:122.
- Pantelić M, Dabić D, Ćirić I, Pergal M, Relić D, Todić S, Natić M. Phenolic profiles, antioxidant acitivity and minerals in leaves of different grapevine varieties grown in Serbia. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2017) 62, 76-83.
- Milićević T, Aničić Urošević M, Vuković G, Škrivanj S, Relić D, Frontasyeva M, Popović A. Assessment of species-specific and temporal variations of major, trace and rare earth elements in vineyard ambient using moss bags. Ecotoxicology and Envrionmental Safatey (2017) 144, 208-215.
- Popović A, Đinović-Stojanović J, Đorđević D, Relić D, Vranić D, Milijašević M, Pezo L. Levels of toxic elements in canned fish from the Serbian markets and their health risk assessment. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2018) 67, 70-76.
- Relić D, Heberger K, Sakan S, Škrbić B, Popović A, Đorđević D. Ranking and similatiry of conventional, microwave and ultrasound element sequential extraction methods. Chemosphere (2018) 198, 103-110.
- Milićević T, Aničić Urošević M, Relić D, Vuković G, Škrivanj S, Popović A. Bioavailability of potentially toxic elements in soil-grapvine (leaf, skin, pulp and seed) system and environmental and health risk assessment. Science of Total Environment (2018) 626, 528-545.
- Popović AR, Relić DJ, Vranić DV, Babić-Milijašević JA, Pezo LL, Đinović-Stojanović JM. Canned sea fish marketed in Serbia: Their zinc, copper, and iron levels and contribution to the dietary intake. Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju (2018) 69 (1), 55-60.