[Image No. 905]

Group Members

  • Dragan Manojlović, PhD, full professor
  • Dalibor Stanković, PhD, assistant professor
  • Goran Roglić, PhD, full professor
  • Biljana Dojčinović, PhD, principal research fellow, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy (ICTM)
  • Ferenc Pastor, PhD, senior research associate
  • Aleksandar Stojsavljević, PhD, research associate, Innovation Center of the Faculty of Chemistry
  • Milica Sentić, PhD, research associate, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
  • Filip Vlahović, PhD, research associate, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
  • Slađana Savić, teaching assistant
  • Igor Kodranov, expert associate
  • Jovana Jagodić, junior research assistant
  • Tijana Mutić, junior research assistant, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
  • Sara Knežević, Institute of Molecular Sciences - University of Bordeaux CNRS UMR 5255
  • Aleksandar Mijajlović, junior research assistant


Have an idea for cooperation? We would love to hear it!





(October 2024) Dr. Dalibor Stanković, Assistant Professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry and member of the EnviroSensing research group, is one of the most cited researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry, according to the list published by Stanford University.

Starting in 2019, Dalibor Stanković has been on the Stanford list of the 2% most cited researchers in the field of chemistry in the world every year, based on annual contributions, and since 2023, based on annual contributions and throughout his entire career.

Read more here https://chem.bg.ac.rs/pz/news1.py?q=4313&l=0

[Image No. 1036]
(From left) Dalibor Stanković, Slađana Đurđić, Filip Vlahović, and Andrej Kukuruzar (Photo: Slađana Savić)

(July 2024) We are proud to share with you the news that members of our research group Dr. Dalibor Stanković (Associate Professor), Dr. Slađana Đurđić (Associate Professor), Dr. Filip Vlahović (Research Associate, IHTM) and Dr. Biljana Dojčinović (Principal Research Fellow), as well as colleague Andrej Kukuruzar (Teaching Assistant) received the "Veselin Lučić" award for the best scientific achievement of teachers and associates of the University of Belgrade for the past year.

They received this award for the paper "Design of an ethidium bromide control circuit supported by deep theoretical insight" published in the journal Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.

The paper has been deposited in the CHERRY institutional repository and can be read here (https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6253).

[Image No. 1038]

(January 2024) Two members of our research group are among the five most cited scientists at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry for 2023.

They are Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dalibor Stanković (524 citations) and Prof. Dr. Dragan Manojlović (433 citations).

Read more about this news on the Faculty website (https://chem.bg.ac.rs/pz/news1.py?q=3983&l=0).

[Image No. 947]

(October 2023) Ferenc Pastor, PhD, participates in the project "From waste to Food and Soil Enrichment - minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry", WasteBridge, No 7439, financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of the PRIZMA call.

The project is managed by Stanislava Gorjanović, PhD, principal research fellow at the Institute for General and Physical Chemistry of the University of Belgrade.

The WasteBridge project is the fourth of the twenty approved projects on the final list for the field of technical and technological sciences.

Learn more about this project here https://wastebridgeproject.com.

[Image No. 907]
Dalibor Stanković, Ph.D. (Photo: Slađana Savić)


(October 2023) Dalibor Stanković, Ph.D, assistant professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry and member of the research group EnviroSensing, is one of the most cited researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry. And this year, for four years in a row, he was on the list of the most cited scientists in the world, published by Stanford University.

Thanks to his outstanding results, in 2022, Dr. Stanković was elected to the highest scientific title - scientific advisor.

Also read the interview with Dr. Stanković for the student magazine "Positron", number 22, page 25.


[Image No. 909]
Milica Sentić, Ph.D. (Photo: Slađana Savić)

(June 2021) Milica Sentić, Ph.D., research associate of the Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy and member of the research group EnviroSensing, gave an interview for the student magazine "Positron", number 23, page 8, for the section Alumni of the Faculty of Chemistry. On that occasion, she referred to her studies, training abroad and L'oreal's "For Women in Science" award.

Research Areas

The research group deals with the development of the following laboratory models and protocols, which predominantly include instrumental techniques, in the areas of:

  1. electrochemical sensors and biosensors,
  2. metallomic and biochemical characterization of physiological and pathophysiological processes, and
  3. environmental chemistry - advanced oxidation processes; screening and sorption of toxic elements in water, soil, food.

Electrochemical sensors and biosensors

The development of electrochemical sensors and biosensors monitors various biological, ecochemical, and industrial processes in loaded matrices. Electrochemical (oxido-reduction) characterization and determination of biologically active compounds (in blood, urine, plants, drugs) and antioxidant activity (food, plant products, dietary supplements) are useful in many areas.

  • Synthesis and characterization of new materials and composites,
  • Use of materials for the development of new sensors and biosensors,
  • Development of electroanalytical methods based on BDD electrodes,
  • Development of analytical methods for detection, efficiency testing in real systems,
  • Validation of methods,
  • Electrochemical behavior of new compounds,
  • Interactions of biomolecules with DNA and HSA,
  • Examination of antioxidant potentials of food and supplements.

Metallomic and biochemical characterization of physiological and pathophysiological processes

Clinical chemistry and emphasizing the importance of monitoring various analytes in pathological conditions. Metallomic and biochemical characterization sheds light on various pathological conditions, primarily tumors and rare diseases. Tissue samples and other clinical samples, such as body fluids and body products, are analyzed. Special emphasis is placed on the toxicological profile of metals, but also on the determination of reference intervals for elements of clinical interest.

  • Clinical chemistry of the elements,
  • Metallomics of human diseases,
  • Pathophysiology of metals and other analytes in the human body,
  • Determining reference intervals for elements of clinical significance,
  • Speciation of organometallic and inorganic forms of elements.

Environmental chemistry - advanced oxidation processes; screening and sorption of toxic elements in water, soil, food

Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) degrade/mineralize organic pollutants from various industries and areas of human activity. The focus of the group is on the application and development of degradation methods based on: electrochemistry, non-thermal plasma, chlorine dioxide and a combination of several methods for removing pesticides, pharmaceuticals, alkaloids, phenols, surfactants, and industrial chemicals from wastewater.

The removal of arsenic compounds from synthetic and real groundwater samples is of general interest in the region. The removal (sorption) of arsenic compounds is investigated using a variety of synthesized nanomaterials, nanocomposites, and modified biomaterials.

  • Treatment of aqueous solutions of contaminants with a dielectric barrier discharge reactor (DBD),
  • Optimization of non-thermal plasma conditions for degradation of organic compounds,
  • Homogeneous and heterogeneous photocatalysis,
  • Degradation of pesticides and drugs by chlorine dioxide,
  • HPLC and spectrophotometric monitoring of degradation efficiency,
  • Identification of degradation products using LC-MS and GC-MS,
  • Synthesis and characterization of polymeric materials and their nanocomposites for application in medicine and environmental chemistry,
  • Monitoring of ecotoxicity (lethal concentration LC50) of treated solutions using standard test organisms Daphnia magna and Artemia salina.


(Laboratory: equipment)

  • 548: Microwave digester (Speedwave XPERT, Berghof, Germany)
  • 548: Microwave digester (ETHOS 1, Milestone, Italy)
  • 548a: ICP-OES (iCAP 6500 Duo, Thermo Scientific, Cambridge, UK)
  • 548a: ICP-MS (iCAP Qc, Thermo Scientific, Bremen, Germany)
  • 548a: HPLC-ICP-MS (iCAP Q, Thermo Scientific, Bremen, Germany)
  • 537: CHInstruments - electrochemical workstation
  • 537: Metrohm 797 VA - electrochemical workstation
  • 537: HPLC-DAD (Thermo Ultimate 3000 RS, Thermo Scientific, Germany)
  • 538: Planetary mill (Retsch PM100 CM)
  • 538: UV-Vis (Evolution 220, Thermo Scientific, Hungary)
  • 538: Non-thermal plasma reactor with dielectric barrier discharge
  • 538: Classic ozonizer (Lifepool 1.0, Lifetech, Czech Republic)
  • 538: Photochemistry chamber-thermostated (Osram Ultra Vitalux, 300 W)
  • 411: Daphnia magna, standard organisms for ecotoxicological testing


  1. Simić, M.; Savić, B.; Ognjanović, M.; Stanković, D.; Relić, D.; Aćimović, D.; Brdarić, T. Degradation of Bisphenol A on SnO2-MWCNT Electrode Using Electrochemical Oxidation. Journal of Water Process Engineering 202351, 103416. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.103416.
  2. Knežević, S.; Ostojić, J.; Ognjanović, M.; Savić, S.; Kovačević, A.; Manojlović, D.; Stanković, V.; Stanković, D. The Environmentally Friendly Approaches Based on the Heterojunction Interface of the LaFeO3/Fe2O3@g-C3N4 Composite for the Disposable and Laboratory Sensing of Triclosan. Science of the Total Environment 2023857https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159250.
  3. Stojsavljević, A.; Zečević, N.; Mihailović, M.; Jagodić, J.; Đurđić, S.; Perović, M.; Manojlović, D. Elemental Profiling of Human Semen with Confirmed Normozoospermia: Baseline Levels for 44 Elements. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 202274https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtemb.2022.127081.
  4. Savić, S.; Roglić, G.; Dojčinović, B.; Manojlović, D.; Stanković, D. M. Graphitic Carbon Nitride: Triggering the Solar Light-Assisted Decomposition of Hazardous Substances. In Advanced Materials for Sustainable Environmental Remediation: Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments; Elsevier, 2022; pp 533–549. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90485-8.00007-2.
  5. Stojsavljević, A.; Sokić-Milutinović, A.; Rovčanin, B.; Tončev, L.; Manojlović, D. Profiling of Circulatory Elements Reveals Alteration of Essential and Toxic Trace Metals in Crohn’s Disease. Biological Trace Element Research 2022200 (6), 2572–2580. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-021-02862-4.



On going

  • 2024-2027 Monitoring and detection of biotic and abiotic pollutants by electronic, plants and microorganisms based sensors (MOBILES), European Commission, grant number 101135402,  Project coordinator from the Faculty of Chemistry, Dalibor Stanković, associate professor (UBFC) https://www.chem.bg.ac.rs/projekti/232/index-en.html
  • 2023-2025: Environmental Identity of Primary School Students in Serbia (ELIPS), Identities Program of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, project number 1569, project manager for the Faculty of Chemistry: Slađana Savić, teaching assistant (UBFC)
  • 2023-2025: Next Generation Research Assessment to Promote Open Science (GraspOS), European Commission, grant number 101095129, research team member: Slađana Savić, teaching assistant (UBFC)


  • 2020-2021: Magnetic Electrochemiluminescent Biosensors for Ultrasensitive Mycotocsine Detection, Serbian-French "Pavle Savić" bilateral project, project manager: Dr. Dragan Manojlović, full professor (UBFC)
  • 2020-2021: Biocompatible Nanocomposites Based on Polyurethane Networks and Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Application as Antimicrobial Coatings for Medical Devices and Implants, Serbian-French "Pavle Savić" bilateral project, project manager: Dr. Maria Pergal, senior research associate (ICTM)
  • 2019-2021: Investigation of the Complementarity of Analytical Techniques for Determining the Biodistribution of Magnetic Nanoparticles (No: SK-SRB-18-0055), bilateral project Serbia-Slovakia (Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak academy of sciences, Košice), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, project manager: Dr. Biljana Dojčinović (ICTM)
  • 2018-2019: Development and optimization of surface modified, environmentally compatible magnetic nanomaterials for the elimination of radiotoxic elements (Cs, Sr, Co) from contaminated waters (No: 29), bilateral project Serbia-Slovenia (National Chemical Institute, Ljubljana), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, project manager: Dr. Biljana Dojčinović (ICTM)
  • 2017-2018: Development of "Green Technologies" for Wastewater Treatment Based on Nanoferrites (No: 451-03-39 / 2016/09/02), Serbian-French "Pavle Savić" bilateral project (Institut de Chimie et Matériaux Paris Est (ICMPE) Equipe CMTR), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, project manager: Dr. Biljana Dojčinović (ICTM)
  • 2016-2018: Luminescent "Swimmers" for Mercury Detection Based on Bipolar Electrochemistry (No: 451-03-39 / 2016/09/17), Serbian-French "Pavle Savić" bilateral project, project manager: project manager: Dr. Dragan Manojlović, full professor (UBFC)
  • 2012-2013: Multianalytic Detection of Pollutants with New Electrochemical Systems (No: 680-00-132 / 2012-09 / 17), Serbian-French "Pavle Savić" bilateral project, project manager: Dr. Dragan Manojlović, full professor (UBFC)
  • 2011-2019: Application of Advanced Oxidation Processes and Nanostructured Oxide Materials for Removal of Pollutants from the Environment, Development and Optimization of Instrumental Techniques for Efficiency Monitoring (OI 172030) domestic fundamental project, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia, project manager: Dr. Dragan Manojlović, full professor (UBFC)
  • 2007-2008: A Network of Macroporous Ultramicroelectrodes Used to Analyze Traces of Metal Ions in the Environment (No: 337-00-00286 / 2007-02 / 10), Serbian-French "Pavle Savić" bilateral project, project manager: Dr. Dragan Manojlović, full professor (UBFC)