![[dr Dragana C. Dabic Zagorac]](/osoblje/362.jpg)
Innovation center, Studentski trg 12-16, Beograd
Department of Analytical Chemistry
Phone: 011 3336734
Laboratory: 519
E-mail: ddabic@chem.bg.ac.rs
Personal data
Born on July 13, 1983 in Nova Gradiška, Croatia. Married. Speaks Serbian and English language.
Education and qualifications
2002-2007: Undergraduate studies - Chemistry / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2007-2013: Doctoral academic (PhD) studies - Chemistry / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
History of employment
2011-2011: Graduate researcher / Innovative Centre of the Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade, Ltd. (Belgrade, Serbia)
2011: Associate researcher / Innovative Centre of the Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade, Ltd. (Belgrade, Serbia)
2014-2020: Scientific associate / Innovative Centre of the Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade, Ltd. (Belgrade, Serbia)
2020: Senior scientific associate / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
2020: Senior scientific associate / Innovative Centre of the Faculty of Chemistry in Belgrade, Ltd. (Belgrade, Serbia)
Other activities
Member of Serbian Chemical Society from August 6, 2008.
Participation in research projects
Finished projects:
- 2011: – 172017
project type: National Fundamental Research Projects
project is funded by: Ministry of Science and Technological Development (Belgrade, Serbia)
Author identification numbers
- ORCID: 0000-0001-5454-5696
- ResearcherID: S-1899-2016
- Scopus: 37099627000
- Faculty of Chemistry Repository Cherry
Representative references
Knjige i revijalni radovi/Books and reviews:
- Natić, M., Dabić Zagorac, D., Gašić, U. Extraction and Analysis of Ellagic Acid and Ellagitannins from Various Food Sources (Chapter 1), In Brewer, E. (Ed.): Ellagic Acid: Food Sources, Potential Role in Human Health and Antioxidant Effects. Series: Food Science and Technology, Nova Science Publishers Inc., NY, USA, (2016), 1-50. ISBN: 978-1-63485-658-4
Izabrani radovi/Selected papers:
- Filipović, D., Gašić, U., Stevanović, N., Dabić Zagorac, D., Fotirić Akšić, M., Natić, M. Carbon Stable Isotope Composition of Modern and Archaeological Fruit Stones of Cornelian Cherry: a Pilot Study. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (2018), 54 (4), 337-351.
- Pantelić, M., Dabić Zagorac, D., Gašić, U., Jović, S., Bešlić, Z., Todić, S., Natić, M. Phenolic profiles of Serbian autochthonous variety 'Prokupac' and monovarietal international wines from the Central Serbia wine region. Natural Product Research (2018), 32 (19), 2356-2359.
- Guffa, B., Nedić, N., Dabić Zagorac, D., Tosti, T., Gašić, U., Natić, M., Fotirić Akšić, M. Characterization of sugar and polyphenolic diversity in floral nectar of different 'Oblačinska' sour cherry clones. Chemistry & Biodiversity (2017), 14(9), e1700061.
- Pantelić, M., Dabić Zagorac, D., Ćirić, I., Pergal, M., Relić, D., Todić, S., Natić, M. Phenolic profiles, antioxidant activity and minerals in leaves of different grapevine varieties grown in Serbia. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (2017), 62, 76-83.
- Čolić, S., Fotirić Akšić, M., Lazarević, K., Zec, G., Gašić, U., Dabić Zagorac, D., Natić, M. Fatty acid and phenolic profile of almond grown in Serbia. Food Chemistry (2017), 234, 455-463.
- Pantelić, M., Dabić Zagorac, D., Natić, M., Gašić, U., Jović, S., Vujović, D., Popović Djordjević, J. Impact of Clonal Variability on Phenolics and Radical Scavenging Activity of Grapes and Wines: A Study on the Recently Developed Merlot and Cabernet Franc Clones (Vitis vinifera L.). PLoS ONE (2016), 11(10), e0163823.
- Stanisavljević, M., Ilić, M., Matić, I., Jovanović, Ž., Čupić, T, Dabić, D., Natić, M., Tešić, Ž. Identification of Phenolic Compounds from Seed Coats of Differently Colored European Varieties of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) and Characterization of Their Antioxidant and In Vitro Anticancer Activities. Nutrition and Cancer (2016), 68(6), 988-1000.
- Gašić, U., Stanković, D., Dabić, D., Milojković-Opsenica, D., Natić, M., Tešić, Ž., Mutić, J. Analytical possibilities for the relative estimation of antioxidative capacity of honey varieties harvested in different regions of Serbia. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2016), 81(5), pp. 567-574.
- Pantelić, M., Dabić Zagorac, D., Davidović, S., Todić, S., Bešlić, Z., Gašić, U., Tešić, Ž., Natić, M. Identification and quantification of phenolic compounds in berry skin, pulp, and seeds in 13 grapevine varieties grown in Serbia. Food Chemistry (2016), 211, pp. 243-252.
- Pavlović, A., Papetti, A., Dabić Zagorac, D., Gašić, U., Mišić, D., Tešić, Ž., Natić, M. Phenolics composition of leaf extracts of raspberry and blackberry cultivars grown in Serbia. Industrial Crops and Products (2016), 87, pp. 304-314.
- Alrgei, H.O.S., Dabić, D., Natić, M., Rakonjac, V., Milojković-Opsenica, D., Tešić, Ž., Fotirić Akšić, M. Chemical profile of major taste- and health-related compounds of (Oblačinska) sour cherry. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2016), 96(4), pp. 1241-1251.
- Bešlić, Z., Pantelić, M., Dabić, D., Todić, S., Natić, M., Tešić, Ž. Effect of vineyard floor management on water regime, growth response, yield and grape quality of Cabernet Sauvignon. Scientia Horticulturae (2015), 197, pp. 650-656.
- Stanisavljević N., Ilić M., Jovanović Ž., Čupić T., Dabić D., Natić M., Tešić Ž., Radović S. Identification of seed coat phenolic compounds from differently colored pea varieties and characterization of their antioxidant activity. Archives of Biological Sciences (2015), 67(3), pp. 829-840.
- Fotirić Akšić, M., Dabić, D., Gašić, U., Zec, G., Vulić. T., Tešić, Ž., Natić, M. Polyphenolic Profile of Pear Leaves with Different Resistance to Pear Psylla (Cacopsylla pyri). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2015), 63(34), pp. 7476-7486.
- Natić, M., Dabić, D., Papetti, A., Fotirić Akšić, M., Ognjanov, V., Ljubojević, M., Tešić, Ž. Analysis and characterisation of phytochemicals in Mulberry (Morus alba L.) fruits grown in Vojvodina, North Serbia. Food Chemistry (2015), 171, pp. 128-136.
- Pantelić, M., Dabić, D., Matijašević, S., Davidović, S., Dojčinović, B., Milojković-Opsenica, D., Tešić, Ž., Natić, M. Chemical characterization of fruit wine made from oblačinska sour cherry. The Scientific World Journal (2014), 2014, art. no. 454797.
- Gašić, U., Kečkeš, S., Dabić, D., Trifković, J., Milojković-Opsenica, D., Natić, M., Tešić, Ž. Phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of Serbian polyfloral honeys. Food Chemistry (2014), 145, pp. 599-607.
- Pavlović, A., Dabić, D., Momirović, N., Dojčinović, B., Milojković-Opsenica, D., Tešić, Ž., Natić, M. Chemical composition of two different extracts of berries harvested in Serbia. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2013), 61(17), pp. 4188-4194.
- Davidović, S., Veljović, M., Pantelić, M., Baošić, R., Natić, M., Dabić, D., Pecić, S., Vukosavljević, P. Physicochemical, antioxidant and sensory properties of peach wine made from Redhaven cultivar. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2013), 61(6), pp. 1357-1363.
- Natić, M., Dabić, D., Milojković-Opsenica, D., Dojčinović, B., Roglić, G., Manojlović, D., Tešić, Ž. Development and validation of a simple thin-layer chromatographic method for the analysis of p-chlorophenol in treated wastewater. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2012), 77(11), pp. 1649-1659.
- Tosti, T., Natić, M., Dabić, D., Milić, D., Milojković-Opsenica, D., Tešić, Ž. Structure-retention relationship study of polyoxygenated steroids. Journal of Separation Science (2012), 35(20), pp. 2693-2698.
- Dabić, D., Natić, M., Džambaski, Z., Marković, R., Milojković-Opsenica, D., Tešić, Ž. Quantitative structure-retention relationship of new N-substituted 2-alkylidene-4-oxothiazolidines. Journal of Separation Science (2011), 34(18), pp. 2397-2404.
- Dabić, D., Natić, M., Džambaski, Z., Stojanović, M., Marković, R., Milojković-Opsenica, D., Tešić, Ž. Estimation of lipophilicity of N-Substituted 2-alkylidene-4- Oxothiazolidines by means of reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies (2011), 34(10-11), pp. 791-804.
- Ilić, S., Natić, M., Dabić, D., Milojković-Opsenica, D., Tešić, Ž. 2D TLC separation of phenols by use of RP-18 silica plates with aqueous and non-aqueous mobile phases. Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC (2011), 24(2), pp. 93-98.