High Resolution Liquid-Mass Spectrometer LC-ESI-TOF-MS Bruker, Micro TOF II with HPLC Agilent 1200
Instrument configuration:
LC/MS with high resolution time of flight analyzer Bruker, Micro TOF II. Elecrospey ion source. Two detectors: UV/Vis (DAD) and MS. Software: Compass and HyStar with Target analysis. qualitative and quantitative analyzis polar and mid-polar compound in complex mixtures.
Supported experiments:
Chromatographic separation polar and mid-polar compounds in complex mixtures by reverse phase chromatography UV/Vis detection and positive and negative electrosprey ionzation:
- direct analysis of pure compunds, ESI+ and ESI- and molecular formula confirmation
- complex mixture analysis UV/Vis, ESI+ and ESI- and molecular formula confirmation for each component
Contact person:
Professor Vele Tešević
e-mail: vtesevic@chem.bg.ac.rs
phone: +381 (0)11 2630-474
Usage request form for LC/MS anaysis on Bruker ToF/MS (PDF, 223 KB)